
Open source is a thing I love. I enjoy helping people get what they need done, in the most efficient way possible, and this even carries over into creating the tools for developers to succeed. Here's a list of the open source projects I'm most involved in, the ones I feel most accomplished for having taken part of:
  • This website itself is fully open-source, ready to explore. I love open source! You can see a description of the technologies used to power this website there.

    The source code for it is a bit more complicated than you'd expect, because it not only features a custom experimental build system, but it also doubles as a simple static Markdown-based blog generator I'm constantly iterating on, and it features a development server that makes updating content and layout pretty easy.

  • An experimental JavaScript testing framework I'm currently working on that aims to be very unopinionated, simple to use, and easy to tailor to your needs, no matter how complicated they are. My goal is to make a testing framework that gets out of your way and lets you test how you want, instead of making you conform to its opinions on how your tests should be structured or go through extensive setup and/or boilerplate to start. I want something that is small and simple for the small and simple projects, but I want to still be able to have something very powerful and structured for large applications.

  • A lightweight, simple, and unopinionated front-end framework created by Leo Horie. I am an active core contributor, but most of my work circles around performance (where this truly shines), stability, and making it easier for people to contribute where they feel best. It's light enough and fast enough that it flies even on mobile, where there's little to no processing power.

  • A very simple, minimalistic, and flexible module loader that racks up a whopping 528 bytes minified and compressed. It supports many of the features you would expect of a larger, heavier module loader, including worker support and remote loading, but in a fraction of the size. It is fully tested, and it has a very simple API that should function on just about any browser you could potentially run it on, including old IE.

    It does not provide any particular facilities for bundling, but you could just concatenate all your modules into a single script at the end and call it a day. And unlike Webpack and similar, loading bundles remotely is pretty easy to do, and hot swapping modules is even easier.

    It was created as an experiment to see how small I could create a functional, usable, module loader that could actually potentially scale beyond a small toy project. I myself don't actively use this yet, but I've already had others tell me they were interested in it themselves.